Jokowi's Leadership Era Is Often Criticized Through Parodies, Observers Say It's Useless Because It Has Thick Faces

JAKARTA - Political communication observer and Executive Director of Indonesia Political Opinion (IPO) Dedi Kurnia Syah responded to criticism of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and his ministers through a political parody at the event "Republic of Dreams" or "Republic of BBM" (Really Mumet). According to him, it is now difficult to criticize the government through political parody. So there is very little possibility of flicking the government's ear through innuendo at an event. "The situation is different, parody criticism through representation will be effective if there are two things, namely power dealing directly with the public. That will work, but today's situation is not like that. Today we face a situation of groups that are both fighting for power," said Dedi to VOI, Friday, April 29. Second, the public who fully supports power without thinking about other situations. Third, criticism tends to be small in public groups. "The criticism comes from groups but minorities, so when there is criticism of parody or representational activities before he reaches power with a purpose, he will already be beaten or countered by public groups who support power," said Dedi.

Therefore, Dedi considered that almost all of today's propaganda issues are ineffective in power. Because today's power is actively conditioning itself through various means, for example maintaining a buzzer for certain conditions where they are free to say anything as long as they don't attack the government.

"Meanwhile, the public who is actively criticizing will have to deal with the public itself. So that there is what is called the habit of information or information that is not complete until it reaches its destination," he said.

So, how is criticism managed so that power does not go too far?

Dedi said that the current power was too dominant, both in the cabinet and at the public level. So to make a commitment to the public is rather difficult. "This is our common problem," he said.

"But after all, criticism that is not addressed directly is only an alternative. So we can't talk about its efficiency first, but it is the best alternative at this time. Because if it's too obvious there are already many political groups who are dealing with the authorities," continued Dedi.

Dedi said that currently there are no cases involving social political figures who really confirm that they are criminals. But only assumptions.

"That's why the law used is also a law that has multiple interpretations. One of them is the ITE Law, it's all multi-interpreted, it's not upheld that someone is guilty or not, it only correlates whether someone accepts it or not," explained Dedi.

However, the criticism through the parody is not useless. It's just not as effective to penetrate the ears of the government as an end rather than the criticism itself. "It's useless, isn't it, criticism with a creative model is effective only for propaganda. But it is not effective in getting to the goal because the goal is power that is already stupid," said Dedi. At the same time, power has fortified itself by fertilizing or reviving other civil groups that can control it, such as political buzzers.

"So the criticism is not in vain, but the power is too thick-faced, so they deliberately cover their ears," said Dedi Kurnia Syah.