Russia Urges Israel To Stop Shootings In Syria: Violate International Law And Unacceptable

JAKARTA - Russia considers the ongoing Israeli shelling of Syrian territory unacceptable and firmly condemns any act that violates international law, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Maria Zakharova.

"We consider it necessary to stress, the ongoing Israeli shelling on Syrian territory, the violation of fundamental rights of international law is categorically unacceptable and unacceptable", he said, quoted from TASS on April 29.

"We strongly condemn such irresponsible actions, which increase the number of civilian and military casualties. They pose a real threat of an uncontrolled escalation of tensions across the region", he stressed.

Zakharova further noted such attacks result in a decrease in the military capacity of the Syrian Armed Forces, as well as a negative impact on the effectiveness of efforts to combat terrorism on Syrian soil.

"We demand that the Israeli side stop this heinous and dangerous practice", he stressed.

As previously reported, a spokesman for the Arab Republic's military command said four Syrian soldiers were killed and three others injured in an Israeli attack on troop positions near Damascus.

A Syrian military source said that Israel fired several missiles targeting points around the Syrian capital, Damascus, early Wednesday, the state news agency (SANA) reported.

The source added that Syrian air defenses shot down most of the Israeli missiles launched from the Israeli city of Tiberias.

The Dubai-based Al-Hadath TV channel reported that five Shiite Hezbollah militants, who fought on the side of the Syrian army against the terrorist group, were also killed. The attack targeted an area of the international airport south of Damascus, where a Shia weapons depot and command post is located.

Meanwhile, according to Al-Hadath, the attack was Israel's ninth aggressive action against Syria since the beginning of the year.