The Story Of The TGPF Team Being Attacked By A KKB In Papua, Shot From The Left And Right

JAKARTA - The Joint Fact-Finding Team (TGPF) tasked with investigating the shooting incident in Intan Jaya Regency, Papua was attacked by the Armed Criminal Group (KKB). They were shot from the right and the left.

Deputy Chairman of the Intan Jaya Association of Fact-Finding Team (TGPF), Sugeng Purnomo, explained the beginning of the attack. At that time, team one led by Benny Mamoto left Jakarta for Timika and continued on to Sugapa, Intan Jaya.

Meanwhile, the second team led by him headed to Jayapura to meet with local officials. They coordinate regarding fact finding.

"(Team two) We met with the ranks of the provincial government. We met with the Polda and Kodam and earlier we met with church leaders," Sugeng told reporters, Friday, October 9.

After the meeting with local officials was completed, team two continued activities with church leaders. It was during the meeting that information was obtained if the team led by Benny Mamoto was continuing their journey to the Intan Jaya District.

"Team 1 yesterday departed or moved from Timika to Sugapa, Intan Jaya and this morning shifted from Sugapa to Intan Jaya District to inspect the location," said Sugeng.

The shift was aimed at obtaining more information regarding the shooting incident that took place in the Intan Jaya District last September. At first all the activities went smoothly without any obstacles.

"Hoping to meet with many parties who can tell about the violence and shootings," he said.

However, on the way home or back to Sugapa, team one was attacked by KKB. They were shot from the right and the left. Until finally, Bambang Purwoko and a member of the TNI were shot.

"About 15.40 minutes between 4 or 5 kilos before arriving at the group, there was an attack or shooting from the right and left," he said.

Meanwhile, Bambang Purwoko, who is a lecturer from Gadjah Mada University (UGM) and Sertu Faisal Akbar, were shot by an armed criminal group (KKB) in Hipadita District, Intan Jaya. The shooting began with an ambush when the team headed to Sugapa District.

"On October 9 at 15.30 WIT in the area of Kampung Mamba Bawah, Hipadita District, there was an interception by the KKB of the Joint Fact-Finding Team (TGPF) when they returned from Hitadipa district to Sugapa," said the Head of Information (Kapen) of the Joint Defense Areas Command ( Kogabwilhan) III Colonel Czi IGN Suriastawa to reporters, Friday, October 9.

As a result of the shooting incident, Bambang suffered gunshot wounds to the left ankle and left wrist. His condition is currently in a conscious state. Meanwhile, Sertu Faisal Akbar suffered a gunshot wound to the waist and was conscious.