Support Strengthens Again, A Number Of Papuan Youth Leaders Meet With The Indonesian Embassy In Papua New Guinea

JAKARTA - Several Orang Asli Papua (OAP) youth leaders who live in PNG declared themselves to support the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia through a declaration by unfurling the Red and White flag as proof of support.

The historic event was held at the Indonesian Embassy for Papua New Guinea in Port Moresby, Wednesday, April 27 between the Indonesian Deputy Ambassador to PNG, Nugraha Kurniawan and several OAP youth leaders such as Isaac Kareth, Jon Blass, Sawi Sitapay, and Isak Apasaray.

During the meeting several declarators including, Yohan Jikwa from the Gerehu camp, Amos Kalimun from the 6 miles NCD camp, Melkianus Sambre from Erima, Yakonias Waimun from Kerema, and Barnabas Way from Boroko, firmly supports the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, because it is proven that the government is siding with the land of Papua, as evidenced by massive development, and a significant reduction in violence in the easternmost province of Indonesia.

"We assess the government's seriousness in developing Papua, therefore we do not hesitate to support the development programs carried out by the Indonesian Government in Papua, including the policy for extending the Special Autonomy for Papua", said Sawi Sitapay at the meeting.

In addition to their welcome, the development program has had a positive impact on the Papuan people, especially the improvement of road infrastructure, health and education.

In addition, one of the figures, Sawi Sitapay, encouraged the strengthening of cooperation between the Government of Indonesia and PNG, particularly in border security to anticipate illegal crossings.

"This is because KKB supporters often carry out illegal crossings to enter and exit PNG territory and become a threat to the local community", he said.

According to him, emphasizing border security will prevent illegal smuggling of goods. The potential for smuggling of these goods has the potential to be used by KKB to import weapons and ammunition into Papua.

Meanwhile, the Deputy Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to Papua, Nugraha Kurniawan himself very welcomed the meeting, and this became a momentum to voice the truth that really happened in Papua, not just slanted news as propagated by the Armed Criminal Group (KKB). Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia hoped that the cooperation with OAP would continue.

"I positively welcome this meeting and express my gratitude for the initiative of these Papuan youths, so that Papua becomes a safe and comfortable area and gives priority to OAP", he said.

For information, there are currently around 5,770 Papuans living in various areas in Papua New Guinea, including Port Moresby, Lae, Madang, Wewak, Vanimo, Kunga, Daru, and Kimber.

According to Sawi Sitapay, Papuans in PNG are often the target of propaganda and provocation from KKB supporters to continue voicing demands for independence and not to support the Indonesian government's programs in Papua.

In addition to meeting with representatives of the Indonesian Embassy, the Papuan Indigenous Youth Community in PNG also delivered a declaration supporting the sustainability of Special Autonomy in Papua and supporting Papua as part of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia.