What To Pay Attention To Before Doing Homecoming? This Is Doctor's Advice

JAKARTA - Head of the Primary Service Family Medicine Specialist Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia (UI) Dr. dr. Dhanasari Vidiawati said there are several factors that must be considered before doing homecoming for Eid Al-Fitr, including the presence of vulnerable groups.

"My advice is that every parent before he goes home will evaluate first, assess his own family, who are his family members," Dhanasari said in a virtual discussion held by the COVID-19 Task Force, followed from Jakarta on Wednesday, April 27.

Some of these considerations include whether there are family members who fall into vulnerable groups such as the elderly and who have comorbidities or comorbidities. In addition, it should be considered for those who have children who have not been able to undergo the COVID-19 vaccination.

This then becomes a consideration, he said, whether family members belonging to vulnerable groups are still allowed to face the risk of transmission when traveling for Eid with public transportation.

With this in mind, alternative transportation options are needed for going home.

"Secondly, when we come to the homecoming place, is there a special room or one available if one or several of our family members experience flu symptoms," said Dhanasari, who is also the Head of UPT Satellite Clinic UI Makara, quoted by Antara.

This step is necessary because the pandemic is still ongoing and the risk of COVID-19 transmission remains.

As a preparatory step, he also appealed to the public to find out about important contact numbers such as the COVID-19 Handling Task Force and hospitals at homecoming locations.

He also reminded that health protocols such as the use of masks must still be carried out when making gatherings during Eid Al-Fitr homecoming, especially when facing vulnerable groups.