PGI Asks President Jokowi To Restrain The Enforcement Of The Job Creation Law To Calm The Atmosphere

JAKARTA - The Fellowship of Churches in Indonesia (PGI) is concerned about the social upheaval caused by the process of determining the Omnibus Law Bill to become the Work Creation Invitation.

PGI Public Relations Officer Philip Situmorang said, PGI appreciates the good intentions of the government and the DPR to synchronize and simplify various laws products that overlap regulations and often conflict with each other through the stipulation of the Job Creation Law.

"PGI observed and concluded that the process of discussing the Omnibus Law Bill, until its enactment into the Job Creation Law, was carried out in an inappropriate situation, considering that this nation's energy is being depleted to manage the COVID-19 Pandemic and all its effects," Philip said in his statement. received by VOI , Friday, October 9.

He continued, a tough situation like this has an impact on the weakening of public participation to oversee the process of formulating and enacting legislation products that have direct contact with the lives of the people. The development of a wave of protests to rejection is evidence that against the product of this law which is very sensitive to the survival of many people, the participatory process does not take place well during its formulation and enactment, thus injuring the fulfillment of a common sense of justice.

"PGI studied the development of debate and rejection of the product of the Job Creation Act which led to anarchic acts of violence within various groups of society. It is sad that in this polemic each group argues to defend its views based on different interpretations of the distribution of documents. The Omnibus Law Bill and the Job Creation Law have various versions, "he said.

PGI observes and condemns anarchist actions through demonstrations that lead to violence and destruction. This condition can have an impact on weakening social solidarity and a process of government delegitimization in the midst of a situation where this nation needs strengthening national integration to deal with the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

"Calculating all developing situations, PGI asked President Jokowi to withhold the enactment of this Job Creation Law in order to calm the heating up national atmosphere, as well as open a national dialogue with various national figures, as well as segments of society who were really affected by the implementation of this Job Creation Law," Philip said.

He also asked the wider community PGI to support all expressions of democracy in conveying views and objections that support or reject the application of this Job Creation Law.

"We believe that all of these expressions are based on love for this country, and that every act of violence and anarchism in conveying views should be condemned and rejected," he said.

"We really hope that the government and the DPR can open up to the national dialogue. The public should channel their aspirations based on the constitution that this country guarantees for all its citizens," said Philip.