Ministry Of Law And Human Rights Hands Over Zakat Fitrah ASN Worth IDR 1.1 Billion To Baznas

JAKARTA - The Indonesian Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham) handed over zakat fitrah for state civil servants (ASN) within the ministry in the amount of Rp1.1 billion (Rp1,199,253,231.00) to the National Amil Zakat Agency (Baznas). Thank you to all employees who have fulfilled their tithe obligations," said Deputy Minister of Law and Human Rights (Wamenkumham) Prof. Edward Omar Sharif Hiariej in a written statement received in Jakarta, Monday. Before handing over zakat to Baznas, the Ministry of Law and Human Rights has appealed to his staff to fulfill zakat obligations which are then distributed together. The goal is that zakat funds can be managed professionally and regularly, and have a good impact in realizing community welfare. "We hope that these zakat funds can be used as well as possible to help our brothers and sisters, especially those experiencing difficulties due to the COVID-19 pandemic," said Prof. Eddy is his nickname. In addition to being an obligation for Muslims, he said, zakat also has a positive social and economic impact on mustahik (people who are entitled to receive zakat). Meanwhile, Deputy Chairperson of Baznas Mokhamad Mahdum said that some time ago President Joko Widodo had inaugurated the Love Zakat Movement which encourages public participation to increase zakat, infaq, and alms and ensure that the distribution is right on target. In 2021, he said, the total zakat collected by these institutions, including special institutions, will increase by almost 40 percent. This can not be separated from the support of the President and the ministers to distribute zakat to Baznas.