Hutama Karya Brings Good News, Two Toll Sections Of The Trans Sumatra Toll Road Will Be Opened Functionally To Support The 2022 Homecoming Flow

JAKARTA - PT Hutama Karya will functionally open two sections of the Trans Sumatra Toll Road (JTTS), namely the Pekanbaru - Pangkalan section of the Pekanbaru - Bangkinang section of 31 km and the Lubuk Linggau - Curup - Bengkulu section of the Bengkulu - Taba Penanjung section of 17.6 km. This is done to support the smooth flow of back and forth for Eid 2022.

Director of Operations III Hutama Karya Koentjoro said the functional functions of the two toll roads were carried out in order to provide maximum service for travelers this year.

"In accordance with the direction of the Ministry of PUPR in supporting the homecoming and return flow of Eid al-Fitr in 2022, we are optimizing services on sections that are already fully operational and this year we will functionally open two new sections on the Trans Sumatra Toll Road, namely the Pekanbaru - Bangkinang Toll Road. and the Bengkulu - Taba Penanjung Toll Road," said Koentjoro in a press statement, Monday, April 25.

Previously, as part of the company's efforts to functionally prepare the two toll roads, a Feasibility Test (ULF) was carried out on April 13-14 2022 on the Bengkulu - Taba Penanjung Toll Road and a direct review by the PMO Consultant for the Pekanbaru - Bangkinang Toll Road. Not only physical preparation in the field, his party also continues to coordinate with related parties such as BPJT, Bina Marga, Korlantas, BBPJN and other agencies.

"We hope that the functional opening of the Pekanbaru - Bangkinang and Bengkulu - Taba Penanjung toll roads can have a significant impact on travelers, especially in the areas around Bengkulu and Riau," concluded Koentjoro.

Functionally, the two toll roads will be opened on the homecoming flow of H-7 (26 April 2022) and the return flow of H+7 (9 May 2022) with the operating hours of the Pekanbaru - Bangkinang Toll Road starting at 08.00 to 16.00 WIB and the Bengkulu - Taba Penanjung Toll Road starting at 09.00 to 17.00 WIB and the lane that is opened for function is one way. The two toll roads are specifically intended for small vehicles (Class I).

Koentjoro said, Hutama Karya urges all road users to comply with the provisions and regulations that apply on toll roads. Considering that the two toll road sections have not yet applied tariffs, toll road users must continue to tap using an electronic card to be able to pass on the toll road section, and one card can only be used for one vehicle.

"In addition, we urge road users to pay attention to the maximum speed of vehicles on functional toll roads, which is 60 km per hour, check the condition of the vehicle before driving, ensure that it is in prime condition and does not drive sleepy, and always AGREE that safety is number one," the lid.