Ansor's GPO Technology Development Response Launches Ansorverse, A Virtual-based Futuristic Office

JAKARTA – The world of metaverse which is generally still foreign to most people in Indonesia is trying to be popularized. One of them is a youth organization in the country, namely GP Ansor.

General Chairperson of the PP Youth Movement (GP) Ansor, Yaqut Cholil Qoumas or better known as Gus Yaqut said his organization has opened a virtual office with metaverse technology.

Gus Yaqut said the birth of this virtual metaverse office is one of Ansor's commitments to continue to move without limits. In the midst of a limited situation due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Ansor continues to prove itself as a youth organization that does not give up easily.

"With Ansorverse (Ansor Metaverse), Ansor's organizational model will be more tactical because it has other alternatives, namely relying on digital and based on virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR)," he said at the launch of the virtual office at the Birthday celebration (Harlah). 88 GP Ansor in Jakarta, Sunday night, April 24.

Quoted from Antara, he said that through Ansorverse, consolidation, cadre, and other organizational services would be easier because they were not limited by time or location. Although today's metaverse technology is still in the form of imagination, this innovation should not be underestimated.

Gus Yaqut is optimistic that this technology will continue to develop and be utilized in various sectors towards the advancement of global civilization.

In the Ansorverse, according to Gus Yaqut, the cadres, among others, can meet each other virtually in a three-dimensional (3D) world. This technology offers an attractive model because it is supported by a visual avatar model. On the evening of Thanksgiving, the Ansor MSME Virtual Expo was shown. This virtual Ansor can even accommodate up to 250.000 MSMEs at once.

Gus Yaqut asked Ansor cadres to always be responsive to the dynamics of the times because the challenges of Ansor and this nation in the future are increasingly complex.

“Like it or not, we have to adapt quickly, to transform. GP Ansor must remain relevant to the rapidly changing times. The trick is that each cadre must continue to learn and adapt. You can't stagnate and you're not satisfied with learning," he said.

The Minister of SOEs, Erick Thohir, also attended the event, who handed over four thousand Banser uniforms, to Katib Aam PBNU KH Said Asrori, Chairman of the Central General Election Commission (KPU) Hasyim Asy'ari, KPU Commissioner Mochammad Afifuddin, Chairman of Muhammadiyah Youth Sunanto and General Chairperson of Indonesian Youth National Committee (KNPI) Muhammad Ryano Panjaitan.