Gus Miftah Calls The Drive For Radicalism Action From The Doctrination Of Hate On Leaders

JAKARTA - Preacher Gus Miftah assesses the impetus for the emergence of radicalism based on the doctrine of hatred towards the leader.

This was conveyed by Gus Miftah in the Podcast of the Tolerance Cafe of the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT) entitled "Monopoly of Truth and Religious Fanaticism" which was broadcast on the BNPT Public Relations YouTube channel, Saturday, April 23.

"I see, the beginning of cases of intolerance then turn into radicalism, one of which is instilling hatred towards the leader," he said.

If there are parties who do not agree with the policies or things the leader has done and believe that it is wrong, Gus Miftah urges them to convey advice or correct the error gently, not with hatred.

Such actions were also ordered by Allah SWT to Prophet Aaron and Prophet Musa when they were assigned to advise the unjust ruler of Egypt, namely Pharaoh.

Furthermore, Gus Miftah explained that one of the causes of the emergence of hatred by someone towards the leader is because there is a truth claim to a religious interpretation that he understands, then forcing others to follow that understanding, even by means of violence.

"Now, there are so many ideas like this in Indonesia, namely claiming that what he interprets is the most correct and the most dangerous is that he acts as if in the name of God," he said, according to Antara.

He also gave examples of acts of instilling hatred towards leaders that have occurred.

One of them was when President Joko Widodo instructed governors throughout Indonesia to bring land and water from their respective regions to the location of the new state capital in East Kalimantan.

At that time, there were several people who judged President Joko Widodo as partnering with Allah SWT or shirk.

In fact, said Gus Miftah, the order is a form of good understanding from the President of the local wisdom and culture of each region as well as a manifestation of the commitment to bring unity.

This is also in line with the concept of nationalism put forward by KH Hasyim Asy'ari through the jargon of hubbul wathon minal faith or love for the homeland is part of faith.

In this jargon, said Gus Miftah, the concept of al waton or the state promoted by KH Hasyim Asy'ari is not the state itself, but the homeland. In the world, this concept is only promoted by Indonesia.

"So, don't be surprised or have wrong perceptions when Pak Joko Widodo asks governors to bring land and water from their regions when starting the opening of the new capital city in Kalimantan. This is what makes Pak Jokowi, in my opinion, is that he understands local wisdom and each other's culture. area," said Gus Miftah.

Thus, he said, the spirit brought from this step was the spirit of unity, not to associate partners with Allah swt.

"So, if someone says Pak Joko Widodo is shirking and does shamanism clinics or activities by asking the governor to bring land and water, they are wrong. He brings the spirit of unity," he said.