Kaltara Governor Zainal Ensures There Are No Homecoming Blocking Paths

TANJUNG SELOR - The Governor of North Kalimantan, Zainal A Paliwang, stated that there were no blocking posts on the Lebaran 1443 Hijri homecoming route in his area. This follows the decline in the number of COVID-19 cases.

This was revealed when he led the Ketupat Kayan 2022 Operation Troop at the Tanjung Selor Regional Police Headquarters, Friday, April 22.

"Unlike last year's Eid, this time the government has given leeway for the community to celebrate gathering with family. Homecoming activities are not prohibited and there are no restrictions on homecoming travel routes," Zainal said as quoted by Antara.

He reminded that although the COVID-19 pandemic was under control -- the transmission rate was below 1 with a positive rate and the hospital BOR was below the WHO standard -- one had to remain vigilant.

"I emphasize that the pandemic is not completely over. We all must always be vigilant," he said.

With a very high level of community mobility and concerns about the transmission of COVID-19, synergistic steps are needed by various related parties so that the community is safe and healthy in celebrating the series of Eid Al-Fitr 1443 Hijri.

"We must prepare the community to be safe from COVID-19 by continuing to hold vaccination activities to pursue the target on April 30, 2022 accompanied by preventive efforts to save the Indonesian people from the dangers of the COVID-19 pandemic," he said. April 28 to May 9 2022 with a focus on securing mosques, tourist attractions, shopping centers, terminals, ports, train stations, and airports.

The apple was also attended by the Kapolda Inspector General Daniel Adityajaya, Deputy Police Chief Brigadier General Erwin Zadma, Danrem 092/Maharajalila Brigadier General Rifki, along with the ranks of the Regional Leadership Coordination Forum (Forkopimda).

Zainal conveyed that the survey results from the Research and Development Agency of the Ministry of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia predicted that around 85.5 million people would carry out mobility trips during Eid.

The mode of transportation for Eid is dominated by land routes using 47.7 percent of private vehicles, 31 percent of public transportation, 10 percent of air routes, 2 percent of sea routes and 0.11 percent of others.