Ministry Of Transportation Updates Operational Regulations For Goods Transport During Eid Homecoming

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Transportation has updated the operational rules for the transportation of goods during the homecoming period and the return flow of Eid.

The Director General of Land Transportation of the Ministry of Transportation Budi Setiyadi said this rule was enforced considering the potential for community movement during Lebaran homecoming is quite large. Therefore, the Ministry of Transportation will carry out traffic engineering management, one of which concerns restrictions on goods transportation.

"Restrictions on freight transportation that regulate the time for the implementation of operational restrictions on transportation of goods on toll and non-toll roads (national roads) for homecoming flows from April 28 to May 1 2022 and return flows from May 6-9 2022," said Budi Setiyadi in a written statement quoted by Antara. Between, Friday, April 22.

Budi said that previously the Ministry of Transportation had formulated together with associations and freight transport operators regarding restrictions on goods transportation as stated in SE 45/2022.

"We have conveyed to the freight transport operators including the logistics association that later there will be several vehicles with certain types of commodities that are not allowed to cross toll roads and national roads," he said.

There is also the regulation of operational restrictions on the transportation of goods, namely for goods cars with a permitted weight (JBI) of more than 14,000 kg, goods cars with 3 (three) axes or more, goods cars with attached trains, and trailers; and goods cars used to transport excavated materials including soil, sand and/or stone, mining materials, and building materials.

The regulation on operational restrictions on goods transportation applies to the Toll Road Section with the time of application for homecoming flows from 28 April 2022 at 00.00 WIB to 1 May 2022 at 12.00 WIB and return flow on 6 May 2022 at 00.00 WIB until 9 May 2022 at 12.00 WIB.

In addition, for national roads, the homecoming flow is valid from April 28 to May 1 at 07.00 WIB until 24.00 WIB. However, on Sunday, May 1, 2022, only until 12.00 WIB.

"Especially for the non-toll road section when the backflow will take effect from May 6-9 2022, starting at 07.00 WIB to 24.00 WIB, but on May 9 it will only be valid until 12.00 WIB," he said.

Director General Budi emphasized that the operational restrictions on goods transportation were not only in Jakarta, but also in a number of areas including West Java, Central Java, East Java, Sumatra and Bali by involving the police in terms of supervision.

However, this operational regulation of goods transport does not apply to certain types of goods transporting vehicles with a certain load.

These include cars for transporting fuel oil or gas fuel, export and import goods from and to export or import ports, bottled drinking water, livestock, fertilizers, postal delivery and money, as well as basic goods such as rice, wheat flour, etc.

According to him, if there is a situational disturbance in traffic flow, the Police can carry out operational traffic management using traffic signs, traffic signaling devices, as well as temporary road user control and safety devices.

Then, there will be a temporary closure of the Motor Vehicle Weighing Implementing Unit (UPPKB) or Weighing Bridge in the Provinces of North Sumatra, Jambi, South Sumatra, Lampung, Banten, West Java, Central Java - DIY, East Java, and Bali on April 28-9 May 2022 starting at 00.00 WIB to 24.00 WIB and can be converted temporarily as a resting place for road users.