MK Ready To Process Judicial Review, Even Though Jokowi Has Asked For Support For Job Creation

JAKARTA - The Constitutional Court (MK) asked the public not to immediately be pessimistic if they would file a judicial review regarding the Omnibus Law on Employment Creation.

The Head of the Public Relations and Domestic Cooperation Section of the Constitutional Court, Fajar Laksono, emphasized that his party will still be ready to accept and process claims submitted by the public.

This was conveyed in response to the statement of citizens who were worried about the independence of the Constitutional Court (MK) because some time ago, President Joko Widodo had requested that this institution be able to provide support to the Omnibus Law on Job Creation and Taxation.

"In other words, the Constitutional Court will ensure that it is ready to accept any case at any time," said Fajar when contacted by reporters, Thursday, October 8.

He also said that Jokowi's statement was a political statement that could not be avoided. However, he explained that so far, the Constitutional Court had never expressed an opinion or statement providing support for a law.

"As a political statement, yes, it is inevitable, but all you know, the Constitutional Court is not involved in supporting a law in the name of its authority. I believe that the Court has never conveyed an opinion or statement that supports the law," he said.

Furthermore, to further emphasize the position of the Constitutional Court, he asked the public to continue to oversee and monitor the trial and case developments. In addition, Fajar also emphasized that all requests for judicial review that were submitted related to the Omnibus Law on Cipta Kerja can be submitted as usual and the Court will process them according to the applicable procedural law.

"The Constitutional Court ensures that it is always ready to accept and process PUU requests. For that, please the public to accompany and monitor every trial and the progress of case handling," he said.

It is known, at the beginning of last year, President Jokowi asked the Constitutional Court to provide support for the Omnibus Law Bill on Job Creation and Taxation. According to him at that time, this law would later cut back on existing laws and be simplified.

Previously, the Indonesian Parliament officially passed the Work Creation Omnibus Law Draft (RUU). Approval was taken at the Plenary Meeting for the Closing of Session Period I of the 2020-2021 Session Year at the Parliament Building, Senayan, Jakarta, Monday, October 5, chaired by Deputy Speaker of the DPR Azis Syamsudin.

Understanding the many rejections in society regarding this law, Azis Syamsuddin then asked if there were groups of people who felt the need to file a judicial review regarding the Job Creation Law and said that this kind of thing was not new. This is because there are many legislative products produced by the DPR that have experienced similar things.

"The material being tested in the Constitutional Court is not only this (the Job Creation Law, red). So please check the statistics, I have the data that was tested in the Constitutional Court of the DPR and government products law, not only this," Azis told reporters.