Podcast Video Content Can Now Be Uploaded On Spotify, Will YouTube Market Take Over?

JAKARTA - Starting today, Spotify has allowed content creators to upload video podcasts to the platform. With Anchor, Spotify's podcast creation tool, publishing video podcasts is just as easy as audio.

This new capability can be tested by creators in the United States (US), England, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. It remains unclear when and if this feature will be available in other markets around the world.

In its announcement, Spotify said content creators could earn money from this new feature, where their podcast content can be monetized through paid subscriptions.

In addition, users will also be able to interact with video content via polls and Q&A if the creator includes them.

It's worth noting that Spotify has added full support for embedding video podcasts as well. The embedded player now allows viewers to watch content directly from the web page.

Launching 9to5Mac, Friday, April 22, in addition, Spotify also mentioned its new partnership with

Riverside, a platform for remote recording. With the Riverside integration, content creators can record and publish quality video content for free.

For users who never upload video versions of their shows, Anchor has a bulk replacement tool that makes it easy for users to replace existing audio episodes with video versions.

For your information, Spotify has been gradually testing video podcasts for almost two years. While many content creators have been more interested in uploading their video podcasts to YouTube, this is one step to take to visualize their work.

But what does this mean for YouTube? It may not make a significant difference to the video podcasting there, but it will probably pay off in the future, with the YouTube podcast market being taken over by Spotify.