Vatican Ambassador Visits Ambon, Police Deploy 1.000 Security Personnel

AMBON - At least 1.000 joint forces from the Ambon Island Police and the Maluku Regional Police Samapta were deployed to secure the visit of the Vatican Ambassador to Indonesia, Mgr Tarcisio Bertone SDB Piero Pioppo in Ambon.

"Security officers have been deployed to Ambon's Pattimura International Airport before the Ambassador and his entourage arrived this morning," said Head of Public Relations of the local Police, Inspector Moyo Utomo in Ambon, quoted from Antara, Friday, April 22.

The Vatican Ambassador and his entourage consisting of several monsignors and a cardinal were welcomed by the Governor of Maluku along with Pangdam XVI/Pattimura, Maluku Police Chief, Danlanud/Pattimura, Ambon Island Police Chief, and the ordination committee for Bishop Amboina.

According to him, joint personnel from Brimob and Samapta Polda Maluku have been prepared since Thursday, April 21 to secure various locations during the process of consecrating Bishop Dioxys Amboina.

The security process by the police started from the airport area to the Cathedral of Santa Fransiskus Xaverius Ambon, which became the center for the ordination of the Bishop of Amboina.

It is planned that the Vatican Ambassador to Indonesia will become Mgr Seno Ngutra's main ordained because the Vatican has appointed the Holy See as Bishop of the Amboina Dioxysms to replace Mgr Petrus Canisius Mandagi.

Then Bishop Peter Mandagi became the first ordained and Bishop Benedict Rolly Untu became the second.

Mgr Petrus Canisius Mandagi was previously ordained Bishop of Amboina on September 18, 1994.