Rioters Began To Take Action, Police Cars Were Damaged In Pejompongan

JAKARTA - A car for detention from the Central Jakarta Police was damaged by a mob in the Pejompongan area, Central Jakarta.

Director of the Traffic Directorate of Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Sambodo Purnomo Yogo, said the vandalism took place at around 16.30 WIB. The destruction was carried out by throwing stones at cars and officers.

"There were several rioting mobs that then pelted officers and we have secured them," Sambodo told reporters, Wednesday, October 7.

The action of vandalism began when a detention car would pass around the location. However, the crowd suddenly blocked the car and immediately damaged it.

"When the vehicle carrying prisoners was still heading to the location, they were intercepted by the rioters and then they carried out anarchic actions damaging the official vehicle," said Sambodo.

However, Sambodo has not been able to confirm whether the rioters were students or not. Because, currently the ranks of investigators are still in depth.

"We are currently gathering evidence around here there is still CCTV or the ranks of the detectives are investigating this matter," he said.