Maudy Ayunda Beautiful In Kebaya, Inspiration For Women's Appearance On Kartini Day

JAKARTA - Kebaya is a style of clothing that is also synonymous with Kartini Day. What's with the kebaya? Kebaya has various variants, including Kebaya Encim, Kebaya Kutubaru, Kebaya Noni, and Kebaya Kartini.

It is called Kebaya Kartini because it is related to the clothes worn by RA. Kartini. His trademark, there are accents folds on the chest and the length of the kebaya to the pelvis.

Currently, the development of kebaya designs still refers to traditional patterns. The pattern is still the same, only added accessories such as beads, embroidery, and a combination of pieces and matching for subordinates.

The charm of the kebaya never fades. Worn on various occasions, Kebaya always succeeds in making the wearer look beautiful, elegant, and dignified.

Maudy Ayunda, for example, often wears the kebaya on special occasions. Wearing a red kebaya, Maudy Ayunda looked charming when she graduated from S2 at Stanford University last year. In his verified upload on Instagram, Mauy expressed his happiness in getting the title of A.yunda Faza Maudya BA, MA MBA.

Regarding education, Maudy Ayunda was inspired by RA Kartini. He broke the stigma that women don't have to go to high school.

"Often on that trip there are many people who say don't be smart or why go to high school later, in the end it won't be used either," said Maudy.

Maudy, even the generation below her, is still often questioned about her interest in high school and pursuing her dreams. He admitted that he had felt sad and even worried because he heard words like this.

"Even women below me still get that question. Sometimes we need to see other people like if Maudy can do it, I can also do it. Thinking that I have a role there makes me happy. At least it can be an inspiration for my friends, " he said.

Education changed Maudy Ayunda's mindset. After graduating from master's degree, the singer of the song Suddenly Love Comes is wiser and patient.

"What's different after graduating from master's degree is that in the past I was still very structured about what I considered the most appropriate path to success and change. Now I'm more aware that change can be achieved through many paths. And sometimes the path is not as expected. We're planning," he said.