Oma The Demonic Accused Of Plagiarizing Korean Films, Director Firmly Rejects: We First Produce

JAKARTA - The film Oma The Demonic will be available in all cinemas in Indonesia starting April 21, 2022. The film, starring Jajang C Noer, is accused of plagiarizing the Korean horror film Umma. The producer and director of Oma The Demonic confirmed that the film is original and has already finished shooting.

"Here I emphasize, we are original with our original story. From Unicorn Pictures," said director Oma The Demonic Joel Fadly during a press conference in South Jakarta, Monday, April 18.

"When it comes to first, we go first. Because we produced it in late 2018 and early 2019. And if 'Umma' itself was in 2020, yes," he added.

Furthermore, Joel explained that in the end, it was luck that brought the film "Umma" to the big screen first. Because, Joel admitted that the film "Oma The Demonic" was also delayed due to the pandemic. This is what causes the originality of the film "Oma The Demonic" to be questioned by the public.

"In the end, it was a matter of luck to be broadcast first. Because at that time the pandemic was also what kept us on hold for a long time. So in the end, our originality seemed to be questioned," explained Joel.

"Honestly, this is indeed the result of discussions with the producers and the creative team that in the end, we chose a story like this. And we also didn't know that the journey was similar and it was from the outside as well," he concluded, quoted from ANTARA.

On the other hand, the producer of "Oma The Demonic" Retno Sekar Daty admitted that she was not surprised by the presence of the film "Umma" which has a similar title to the film. However, Retno also explained that the filming process for "Oma The Demonic" was carried out first and had passed the censorship in February 2020.

"If you say you are surprised, you won't. Because we didn't expect that, right. And if you say it first, then we go first because we passed the censorship in February 2020. Meanwhile, 'Umma' was just made in October," said Retno.