National Road In Southeast Aceh Paralyzed Due To Broken Bridge, Bailey Bridge Is Under Construction

BANDA ACEH - The Southeast Aceh Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) said that until now the national highway of Kuta Cane, Aceh Tenggara-Medan, North Sumatra, could not be passed by vehicles due to a broken bridge due to flash floods.

“Currently, the process of installing the bailey bridge is in progress, we estimate that it will be completed in the next three days. This bailey bridge has a strength of around 15 tons", said Southeast Aceh BPBD Chief Executive, Nazmi Desky, as quoted by Antara, Monday, April 18.

He said the broken bridge was in the Semadam sub-district. Access to transportation is totally paralyzed. Currently, people have to use alternative routes with longer distances to reach their destination.

"So it can't be passed. People have to turn from the bottom, alternative roads, but the distance is quite far", he said.

Flash floods hit Southeast Aceh on Thursday, April 14 at around 19:58 WIB due to moderate to high-intensity rainfall hitting the highlands.

Southeast Aceh BPBD data, there are 17 villages in five sub-districts that were affected by flash floods. A total of 94 housing units suffered minor to severe damage, as well as several public facilities.

With details, 39 houses were heavily damaged, 11 houses were moderately damaged, and 33 houses were slightly damaged in Lawe Beringin Gayo Village, Semadam District. As well as 11 units of lightly damaged houses in Lawe Mejile Village, Semadam District.

The victims affected by this flood were 2,398 people in 673 families spread over five sub-districts. Most of the community was affected by the puddle of water and mud material carried by the flood currents.

"There are some houses that are still muddy, some are clean", said Nazmi.

In addition, he said, about 150 people were displaced. Generally, they fled to relatives' homes and public facilities such as prayer rooms.

However, the Southeast Aceh BPBD has also built a public kitchen to meet the needs of the community.

"Aid has also been provided by the Ministry of Social Affairs. Currently, we are also assisting BNPB, distributing aid as well", said Nazmi.