DMI Asks Mosques Not To Be Used As A Means Of Politics

PALU - General Chairperson of the Regional Leadership of the Indonesian Mosque Council (PW DMI Central Sulawesi) Ahmad M Ali stated that mosques should not be used as a means or tool for individual or group political interests. Ahmad M Ali, in his direction at the ceremonial opening of the Sigi Regency DMI deliberation, which took place at the DMI Central Sulawesi Secretariat, in Palu, Saturday, April 16. However, he emphasized that friendship should not have an impact on the use of mosques as a means for individual and group political interests. Antara. Ahmad M Ali who is a member of the DPR-RI admitted that since he was given the mandate to dream, n DMI Central Sulawesi, since then, hoax information has circulated stating that Ahmad Ali will use the mosque for political purposes. Two periods are enough for me to serve the community, if the three periods are no longer serving but seeking," said Ahmad Ali. Thus, he said, the mosque would not be used for political purposes. irresponsible people who say that I will use the mosque for political purposes, then that is hoax information," he said. Ahmad Ali emphasized that the mandate given to him to lead DMI was a form of devotion to the people. who have the heart and time to serve the people and develop the function of the mosque," he said.