Talking About Ramadan 2022, Muhaimin Iskandar Pushes For A State Hijrah To A More Quality Direction

JAKARTA - Deputy Speaker of the Indonesian House of Representatives Abdul Muhaimin Iskandar said the month of Ramadan 1443 Hijri should be a momentum for the Indonesian people to change the life of society, nation and state to become more qualified.

This statement was conveyed by Muhaimin when he was a resource person in a webinar of the Directorate General of Information and Public Communication (Ditjen IKP) of the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kominfo) RI entitled "Digital Media: Efforts to Strengthen the Nation's Character and Defend the State", as monitored from Jakarta.

"This Ramadan should be a momentum for our transformation, change, or migration to a higher quality in the life of society, nation and state," said Muhaimin, quoted by Antara, Friday, April 15.

Furthermore, he conveyed several steps that can be taken by Muslims, even the Indonesian people in general, to change the life of society, nation and state to be of higher quality.

These include strengthening the basics of nationalism and exploring that sense of nationality more productively and creatively.

"We need to explore this sense of nationality more productively and creatively, especially on social media. We must not only rely on the state in exploring the sense of nationality, but the state must also know that the Government is obliged to prepare well the infrastructure and facilities in building nationalism as a nation and state. in the digital world," he said.

Thus, according to Muhaimin, the ideas and creations of the creators of the digital world or Indonesian social media activists will develop so that they can become producers of nationalism who provide nationalism teachings and a sense of love for the country in accordance with the times in society. .

Furthermore, in the midst of this all-digital era, he added, the Indonesian people must truly become a unifying force for the nation by turning social media and virtual worlds that are used into the real world that prioritizes the spirit of togetherness and mutual cooperation.

In addition, Muhaimin also conveyed the importance for the Indonesian people to thank the fighters who guarded the border areas.

"We must thank the fighters who are now guarding the border in the South China Sea or at the Papua border. These are heroes who continue to be a force so that we remain calm in various activities, both economic activities, worship, as well as nation and state. Borders This is maintained so that we do not become a nation that is easily destroyed," said Muhaimin.