Before Exploring The Moon, NASA Astronauts Will Test This Pod-shaped Futuristic Vehicle

JAKARTA - Before exploring the Moon, NASA's Artemis II astronauts will first experience riding a new, highly futuristic transportation vehicle, the Canoo EV.

The electric vehicle from Canoo Technologies Inc. was provided to carry astronauts from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida to Launch Pad 39B for their historic journey to the Moon, aboard the Space Launch System (SLS) rocket and the Orion spacecraft.

The Canoo EV will consist of three vehicles designed to carry astronauts, support teams and their equipment on a nine-mile stretch of road from Neil Armstrong Operations and the Checkout Building to the launch pad.

The new transport is entirely electric, tailored to NASA's unique needs. The futuristic vehicle with a pod-shaped exterior will be an eco-friendly solution, using zero-emissions technology for the next generation of rover.

This Canoo EV replaces the agency's fleet of Astrovans, the shiny silver 1983 Airstream vehicles that carry the shuttle crew to the launch pad.

Apart from delivering astronauts, the Canoo EV will also be used to support other pre-launch operations as well as training and test launch countdowns. The company will send a fleet to the spaceport by June 2023 to support this operation.

For your information, the Artemis mission will land the first woman and first person of color on the Moon, using innovative technology to explore more of the lunar surface than ever before.

In the mission, they will use what they learn on and around the Moon. The existence of this mission, will later make NASA take the next giant leap by sending the first astronauts to Mars.