Toddler Who Died By Falling Into A 15 Meter Well At Lenteng Agung, Releases Monitoring When His Mother Leaves Midnight Prayers

JAKARTA – The death of a toddler in Lenteng Agung, South Jakarta leaves grief for the bereaved family members. How could I not, the death of the 2-year-old boy was so tragic, he fell into a well 15 meters deep.

Hilal, the victim's uncle, explained the chronology of the two-year-old toddler who was found dead at the bottom of a well near his house, which is close to the train tracks.

At that time, the victim's mother, SA, was praying the midday prayer, while the victim was free to move anywhere. Until he realized that the 2-year-old boy had disappeared from his mother's sight.

"So initially the victim's mother was praying. After the prayer, he looked for his son. Because there is no one nearby," said Hilal when met on Jalan Raya Lenteng Agung Barat, Jagakarsa, South Jakarta, Wednesday, April 13.

After looking for his son for a long time, SA finally reported it to the residents. The local residents finally went around looking for the toddler. SA even reached out to her husband, RAZ, and said that her son was missing. The private employee finally went home to confirm the whereabouts of his son.

Arriving at home, RAZ was assisted by local residents to look for his son around the house.

"I asked someone to be smart, because the victim's mother thought that her child had been kidnapped," said Hilal, the victim's uncle.

Until it was time to break the fast, at 18.00 WIB, the victim's father suspected that his son was in the well. The suspicion was strong because RAZ saw the well cover open. Allegations came true, the child was found at the bottom of the well.

"We already know this afternoon, if the victim is in the well. But, confused about who to report. If you want to report to the police, you have to do it 1x24 hours,” he said.

“Then someone asked his friend who is a police officer if he could report it even though it had not been 1x24 hours. finally reported to the police,” he continued.

After reporting to the police, not long after, the South Jakarta damkar (fire department) team arrived. The result at 23.00 WIB, the victim was successfully evacuated. But with death.