The Figure Of Puan Maharani In The Eyes Of Cak Nun: The More Mature In Politics, The PDIP Must Be Brought To Become A Protective Party

JAKARTA - Muslim scholar Emha Ainun Nadjib or Cak Nun asked the Chair of the Indonesian House of Representatives as well as the Chair of the PDI-P (PDIP) Puan Maharani to make the party a protective party.

"PDIP must transform into PDI Pengayoman, no longer PDI Perjuangan, to protect all citizens," said Cak Nun in a written statement in Jakarta, Antara, Monday, April 11.

This was conveyed by Cak Nun during the 'Sinau with Cak Nun' event, at the At-Taufiq Mosque, PDI-P Party School, Lenteng Agung, South Jakarta, Sunday, April 11. Cak Nun emphasized that the event he attended that night was not a political event. But only to strengthen Indonesianness.

“This event is not a party event, there are no politics. This is an event to strengthen Indonesianness," he said.

Cak Nun admitted that the figure and progress of Puan Maharani in the political world were becoming more mature and wise.

“I found this Mbak Puan much more mature than I thought. Much sharper in mind than I thought, and far more sober or wise than I had expected. So, I am grateful and what I admire the most is that the event took place because of the greatness of Mrs. Mega's soul," said Cak Nun.

Meanwhile, Puan thanked Cak Nun for being there and for the message. To Cak Nun, Puan also conveyed greetings from the 5th President of the Republic of Indonesia who is also the General Chair of the PDI-P Megawati Soekarnoputri.

“The PDI-P party school is now facing the At-Taufiq Mosque. This means that our concern with Muslims is to be able to continue to be able to synergize and work together. As Cak Nun hopes that the PDI-P can protect all citizens of the nation," said Puan.

Puan is especially grateful that the At-Taufiq Mosque, which was built in memory of her father Taufiq Kiemas, can finally open after being delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.