Twitter To Suspend Accounts Expecting Donald Trump To Die

JAKARTA - Twitter has warned that it will suspend accounts hoping for Donald Trump's death after the US president was reported positive for COVID-19.

When Trump declared himself positive for COVID-19, many people hoped for a cure, but many also hoped that he would die from the virus.

This kind of tweet strictly violates Twitter's rules and will be prosecuted. That way, you can't tweet the hope of Trump dying from COVID.

"We prioritize content removal if there is a call to action that could potentially cause harm in the real world," Twitter said as quoted by The Verge, Saturday, October 3. But, Twitter added, this rule does not necessarily translate into automatic suspension.

Account suspensions like this refer to Twitter's policy on misleading behavior, which includes:

Desiring or expecting serious injury to a person or group of people.

We do not tolerate content that wishes, hopes, or expresses a desire for death, serious injury, or fatal illness to an individual or group of people, including:

Hoping that someone dies from a serious illness, for example, "I hope you get cancer and die."

Wanting someone to be the victim of a serious accident, for example, "I hoped that you would be run over by a car when you opened your mouth."

Saying that a group of individuals deserves serious injury, for example, "If this group of protesters doesn't shut up, they deserve to be shot."