Block Russian Parliament YouTube Channel Duma TV, Google: Sanctions For Russia After Invasion Of Ukraine

JAKARTA - Google blocked the YouTube channel of the Russian parliament, Duma TV. Reporting to Reuters on Saturday, April 9, the company has stopped the channel that broadcasts the meeting of the Russian parliamentary assembly, because it is considered to violate the platform's terms of service.

"If we find that an account violates our Terms of Service, we will take appropriate action", a Google spokesperson said.

Google said they are monitoring the situation closely for any updates and changes. The company added that it is committed to complying with the sanctions imposed on Russia following its invasion of Ukraine in late February.

The suspension quickly sparked the ire of Russian officials, with Russian foreign ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova warned that YouTube had "signed its own warrant."

“Russia's telecommunications regulator Roskomnadzor condemns the move and ordered Google to immediately restore Duma TV's YouTube access. The company holds a clear anti-Russian position in the information war waged by the West against our country", she said.

The response from Russian authorities suggests that YouTube could be the latest Western internet service to face restrictions at home. Shortly after the war in Ukraine began on February 24, Russia blocked access to Twitter. Then in March, Russia cut off Facebook and Instagram.