Only Ordered To Recite The Koran And Bonus Basic Materials, Punishment For Wild Racers In Bulukumba During This Ramadan

MAKASSAR – Illegal racing that disturbs the public and endangers lives is now being handled by the Police in a more persuasive way. For example, the Resort Police of Bulukumba Regency, South Sulawesi, sanctioned the perpetrators of illegal racing with the punishment of reciting the Koran.

For illegal racers, most of whom are teenagers, when arrested in a Security and Order operation during Ramadan 1443 Hijri, they are required to recite the Koran.

"We hope that with this Koran punishment method, teenagers who participate in illegal racing can have a deterrent effect," said Head of the Bulukumba Police Traffic Unit, AKP Desi Ayu in Makassar, Saturday, 9 APRIL.

According to Ayu, through an approach model for the on-the-road recitation program like this, according to Ayu, it is considered more effective for teenagers who often participate in wild races, especially during the fasting month. This is carried out as a form of education to those whose emotions are still unstable, including reducing the number of accidents.

He also appealed to parents to further improve supervision of their children, in order to avoid things that are not desirable.

In addition to the Koran punishment, the teenagers caught in the operation were also provided with basic necessities. The condition is that if the short surah in the Koran that the officer is asked to read can be recited correctly and vowed not to repeat his actions.

So far, in the first week of Ramadan, officers have arrested 33 motorcycles. On average, the confiscated vehicles did not have standard equipment, without mirrors, racing exhaust and did not carry vehicle documents. The raid was carried out on Jalan Cekkeng Nursery, Bulukumba.

All vehicles that are secured are now at the Bulukumba Police and confiscated for a maximum of three months. For vehicle owners, they can take their vehicles after Eid al-Fitr by bringing their motorbikes and documents.

However, whether this punishment also applies to perpetrators who happen to be non-Muslims, the Police have not provided a clear answer. For non-Muslim perpetrators, most likely not be able to pass the sentence. It is also possible that they will not get the social assistance as promised.