Telegram Adds Various New Features

JAKARTA - The Telegram messaging application is back with an update and a number of interesting features. Some of these include new features such as categorized search, comment sections for channels, anonymous admin, and more.

In a blog post, Telegram explains how the new feature works. The company says that the update will focus more on helping admins manage shared content, while keeping interactions safe.

Search Filter

Users will now be able to find media, links, files and more more easily with the new Search Filter. This feature has six categories consisting of Chats, Media, Links, Files, Videos, and Voice messages.

Users can enter search terms related to a specific time, person, group / channel and bot. Then, the filter will separate the messages accordingly. For example, such as a message with a link, sent in August 2018, contains the word "happy."

Comments for Channels

Furthermore, Telegram brings a new comment section feature on the Channel. The comment button will appear on messages uploaded on the Channel. Users can upload GIFs, voice messages, stickers, and more as comments for the post.

Apart from that, the admin can also control the comments of the channels to maintain security. However, this feature will only be available for Channels that have separate discussion groups linked to them. Therefore, users will be directed to the group to view and reply to comments.

Anonymous Admins for Group
Chat features on Telegram (doc. Telegram)

Telegram also introduced a new feature called Anonymous Group Admin. This feature is already available for channels and now the admin will change to anonymous in the group when sending messages. Then, the messages they send will be under the name tag group.

Animated Pop-ups and New Emojis

Lastly, the update also includes animated pop-ups. This feature is limited to Android and displays a changed animation when the user deletes messages, saves media and changes notifications. Users can also expand or hide the keyboard, switch between day and night themes.

Apart from the new animated emojis, the update also brings features such as long press on profile pictures to view other users' pictures and doing the same with the account switcher to see chat list previews.