Indonesia Pushes Health Agenda To Be Discussed At G20

JAKARTA - Coinciding with World Health Day every April 7, Indonesia pushes health issues as one of the priority discussions in Indonesia's G20 Presidency.

"Regarding the issue of global health architecture, Indonesia needs to encourage stronger health governance after the pandemic," said the spokesman for the Ministry of Communication and Information, Dedy Permadi, in Jakarta, Thursday, April 7.

Health issues that are pushed by Indonesia through the G20 forum are not only based on world conditions during the pandemic, but also have national interests.

Dedy gave an example by discussing the issue of health architecture in this international forum, Indonesia can work together to create a more resilient health system so that people living in remote areas can get better access to health services.

In the midst of this pandemic, the health sector has not been spared from digitization. One of the most visible impacts is that many people use telemedicine applications to consult with doctors without visiting the hospital.

Digitizing the health sector, according to Dedy, can provide more optimal health services for people living in remote areas.

"This can be strengthened through cooperation with other countries," said Dedy, quoted by Antara.

The G20 Indonesia 2022 presidency puts forward three priority issues, namely the global health architecture, digital and economic transformation, and the transition to sustainable energy.

The Ministry of Communication and Informatics (Kominfo), as the person in charge of communication and media for the G20 Indonesia Presidency, hopes that the public will understand how important this forum is for Indonesia and the world.

G20 member countries have a large contribution to global Gross Domestic Product, which is 80 percent. They also play a major role in the trade sector, accounting for 75 percent of global trade.

The G20 Forum is also strategic because it controls 60 percent of the world's population. The importance of this forum for the community can also be seen from the three priority issues, which Dedy said was close to the community.

Apart from health issues, the issue of energy transition is also close to the community, for example how to reduce fossil energy consumption and switch to solar energy. While on the issue of digital transformation, the internet, especially since the pandemic, has become the daily whole of society.

The latest data shows that internet users in Indonesia reach 204.7 million people, most of them access social media. Using social media causes a number of users' personal data to be managed by the organizer of the electronic system or digital platform.