The Attorney General's Office Examines Cases Of Cheating KPK Prosecutors

JAKARTA - The Deputy Attorney General for Supervision (Jamwas) The Attorney General's Office will examine the decision of the KPK Supervisory Board regarding the case of a KPK prosecutor who was given ethical sanctions because he was proven to have committed immoral acts or had an affair with other KPK employees.

"If there is a problem regarding a disgraceful act, the Prosecutor and then submits it to the Prosecutor's Office as the parent agency, then the Indonesian Attorney General's Office will conduct research first or the decision of the supervisory board/inspectorate is handed down," said Head of the Attorney General's Office for Legal Information (Kapuspenkum) Ketut Sumedana in written statement quoted by Antara, Wednesday, April 6.

According to Ketut, prosecutors or Prosecutors' employees who are employed/assigned in various government agencies and state-owned enterprises are the responsibility of fostering and supervising these institutions with the aim of increasing the professionalism and capacity of prosecutors' human resources (HR).

"If the decision of the supervisory board/inspectorate only returns the person concerned, then the Prosecutor's Office is obliged to carry out an examination that will be carried out by the Deputy Attorney General for Supervision (Jamwas)," said Ketut.

As previously reported, the Supervisory Board of the Corruption Eradication Commission (Dewas KPK) imposed ethical sanctions on two KPK employees with the initials SK and DW because they were proven to be having an affair.

Based on a copy of the verdict received by ANTARA, SK is an information and data staff member and DW is a prosecutor.

The investigation of the ethical violation began with a complaint from a witness who was the legal husband of the SK. He reported both of them for violations of infidelity or adultery which can be qualified as acts that do not heed the obligations of the basic values of integrity as a member of the commission.

Both were reported for allegedly violating the code of ethics and code of conduct as regulated in Article 4 Paragraph (1) letter n of Supervisory Board Regulation Number 02 of 2020 concerning Enforcement of the KPK Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct.

In the ethics trial, the Dewas also examined eight witnesses from the Director of Services, Reporting and Public Complaints of the KPK, the Director of Prosecution of the KPK to the husband and mother-in-law of the SK.

In addition, in the trial, the Dewas also examined three people as mitigating witnesses (a de charge).

In its decision, the Dewas stated that SK and DW were jointly guilty of committing an act of infidelity or adultery which could be qualified as an act of not heeding the basic values of integrity as a member of the commission which is contrary to Article 4 Paragraph (1) letter n of the Supervisory Board Regulation Number 3 of 2021 regarding the Enforcement of the KPK Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct.

Dewas also punished the two of them with moderate sanctions in the form of an indirect open apology. Finally, the Dewas also recommends that the staffing officer should further examine the SK and DW for imposing disciplinary penalties.

The decision was handed down on March 7, 2022 by the Chairperson of the Tumpak Assembly Hatorangan Panggabean and Indriyanto Seno Adji and Syamsuddin Haris as members respectively. Meanwhile, the verdict was read out on March 10, 2022, which was attended by the examinees.