Commission I To Foreign Minister Retno: If The Ukraine-Russia Conflict Is Not Over, Will The G20 Be Postponed?

JAKARTA - Commission I of the House of Representatives (DPR) has warned the government regarding the G20 Summit which will be held in Bali in October. This is because the conflict between Russia and Ukraine has not yet ended. Member of Commission I DPR RI Effendi Simbolon suggested that President Jokowi be given a role in the G20. For example, establish direct communication with the Presidents of Russia and Ukraine.

Because according to Effendi, Indonesia should not be limited to just being an organizer in the G20 forum. In fact, he said, the forum was the right momentum to initiate peace between Russia and Ukraine.

"Don't miss this momentum, give the President a chance because this is not at the level of the Minister of Foreign Affairs," said Effendi at a Working Meeting with Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi, Wednesday, April 6.

Effendi reminded that the 5 months before the G20 should be used to its full potential. "Don't let Indonesia do nothing," he said. Meanwhile, Member of the Indonesian House of Representatives Commission I, Mukhlis Basri, actually questioned the issue of the postponement of the G20 because there were protests from other countries after the invitation of Russian President, Vladimir Putin, to the event.

"Nowadays there are many people that the G20 will be postponed, so please explain, Mrs. Minister, if the geopolitical conflict between Ukraine and Russia is not resolved, will the G20 be postponed?" asked Mukhlis.

Commission I of the DPR also questioned what efforts were made by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in relation to the implementation of the G20 Summit forum.

“What are the efforts of the Ministry? Don't let this problem (unfinished) because we are the chairman and also the host," he added

However, Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi has not answered this question because the meeting was continued behind closed doors.