Good News! Minister Of Manpower Ida Fauziyah Says Government Distributes Wage Subsidy For Workers With Salary Below IDR 3.5 Million

JAKARTA - The Minister of Manpower (Menaker) Ida Fauziyah said, in order to provide protection for workers and encourage the acceleration of economic recovery, the government will again distribute Wage Subsidy Assistance (BSU) in 2022 for workers with salaries below IDR 3.5 million.

"Therefore, the purpose of this BSU is to protect and maintain the economic capacity of workers/laborers, it is also expected to increase people's purchasing power so as to leverage economic growth," he said in a statement received in Jakarta, Antara, Wednesday, April 6.

She stated that the trend of positive cases and death rates due to COVID-19 in Indonesia had decreased significantly, but the economic impact of the pandemic was still being felt.

In addition, the conflict between Russia and Ukraine as well as the dynamics of global politics also have an impact on the global economic recovery and have an impact on global inflation.

Rising commodity and energy prices put pressure on the national economic recovery which affected employment conditions.

The Ministry of Manpower has distributed BSU in 2020 and 2021. In 2020, BSU is focused on workers who have wages below IDR 5 million.

In 2021, BSU targets workers who are affected by the Level 3 and 4 Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) policies and have wages below IDR 3.5 million, or if the area's minimum wage is more than that amount, the applicable minimum wage limit is used.

The Minister of Manpower, Ida Fauziyah, explained that in 2022, the criteria for receiving the temporary BSU are designed for workers who have wages below IDR 3.5 million. The BSU recipient database is also still using Social Security Agency (BPJS) for Employment participant data.

The government has allocated the 2022 BSU budget of IDR 8.8 trillion with an allocation of assistance per recipient of IDR 1 million.

"The details of the criteria and mechanisms for the 2022 BSU are being discussed by the Ministry of Manpower," he said.

Currently, the Ministry of Manpower is preparing all policy instruments for implementing the 2022 BSU to ensure that the program can be run quickly, precisely, accurately, and accountably.

The Ministry of Manpower is also preparing several other things, such as finalizing the 2020 BSU technical regulations, submitting and revising the budget with the Ministry of Finance.

"And what is no less important is reviewing the data of prospective recipients of BSU 2022 with BPJS Employment, and coordinating with Himbara as the channeling bank," said Ida Fauziyah.