The Joint Team In Cianjur Finally Found The Bodies Of The Farmers Carried By The River At Work

CIANJUR - BPBD Cianjur, West Java, together with a joint team finally found the body of Sukinah (65), a farmer from Degreeanyar Village, Pagelaran District who was reported missing by the river when the victim was working in the fields.

Secretary of the Cianjur BPBD, Rudi Wibowo, said that his party immediately sent officers and volunteers to search for the victim's body by walking along the edges and middle of the river using rubber boats with the help of local residents.

"The search was constrained by the weather and high river water, so the team was divided into several groups, so that the victim's body could be found quickly, and even other groups and residents searched for a distance of 4 kilometers downstream," he said when contacted, Antara, Tuesday, April 5th.

Although the river current is still heavy, several officers and residents are trying to walk along the riverbank. After several hours of searching, officers managed to find the body of the victim who was already dead several hundred meters from the first location reported missing.

"The victim's body was found dead and dragged about 800 meters from the location where it was first reported missing. So the search was stopped and the victim's body was taken to the local health center for a post-mortem before being handed over to the family," said Rudi.

The Head of Degreeanyar Village, Jaenal, said that during the rainy season his party always told residents to be vigilant and extra careful when doing activities, especially the owners of rice fields on the banks of the Cileueur River which often overflowed suddenly and could threaten safety.

"If it overflows often, maybe every rainy season, but this is the first time that has taken a toll. We hope that other residents who are gardening or farming on the banks of the river are more careful because the current can suddenly get big at any time," he said.

Meanwhile, the victim's body that was found, said Jaenal, was immediately brought by the family for burial.

"We continue to urge residents to remain careful and observant in reading natural signs that a disaster will occur," he said.