Police Capture [Perpetrators Of Brawl Armed With Molotov Cocktails In Palembang

PALEMBANG - Police officers from the Ilir Barat I sector (Polsek) in Palembang, South Sumatra arrested seven perpetrators of a brawl between youths along with evidence of the weapons they used, namely Molotov cocktails and spears. four PDAMs, Bukit Lama Village, Ilir Barat I District, Tuesday morning. "The oldest of them are 18 years old, this morning we arrested them at the Mapolsek for further information and guidance," said the Head of the Ilir Barat I Police in Palembang, Commissioner of Police. Roy Tambunan, in Palembang, Tuesday, April 5. According to him, the police involved the role of the parents and elders of the local community so that no further incidents occurred. What's more, he said, the police received many reports that the community was very disturbed by this activity which often took place on before dawn or after dawn. "We ask to supervise children more, don't let it" right, they get together late at night like this, there are too many risks," he said, quoted by Antara.

He ensured that during this month of Ramadan the police will continue to increase patrols targeting places that are prone to brawls, especially early in the morning until dawn, to maintain public security and order (Kamtibmas) while preventing other crimes. every day during the month of Ramadan is oriented to preemptive and preventive actions," he said.