The National Police Has Disbanded 4 Million Activities Since COVID-19 Entered Indonesia

JAKARTA - The National Police Chief, General Idham Azis, said that his party had disbanded four million activities that caused crowds during the COVID-19 pandemic.

This mass dispersal, said Idham, was recorded as long as his party was carrying out Safe Operation Nusa II to support the acceleration of handling COVID-19 since March 19.

"The mass dispersal of 4,091,339 activities," said Idham in a Working Meeting with Commission III of the Indonesian Parliament which was broadcast on Parliament TV, Wednesday, September 30.

Furthermore, he explained, during this operation, there were other activities carried out such as cooperation with cross-sectoral coordination totaling 15,793,8584 activities, community education 52,077,210 activities, and public relations publication of 60,235,816 activities.

Previously, the National Police Chief, General Idham Azis, also said that the administrative fines collected from the justisi operation for violating the COVID-19 health protocol reached Rp1.6 billion. These fines were collected from 25,484 violators.

"Since 14 September 2020, all levels of the National Police have also supported the implementation of Operation Yustisi targeting health protocol violations with the results of 1,341,027 verbal warnings, 296,898 written warnings, 201,971 social work in public facilities, and 25,484 administrative fines worth Rp1,610,994,000," said Idham in a working meeting with Commission III of the Indonesian Parliament which was broadcast on Parliament TV, Wednesday, September 30.

The National Police Chief said that based on the results of the National Police's evaluation of security and guarding health protocols, the Police always work together with the TNI, Satpol PP, and other agencies in an effort to discipline health protocols. This includes the zone affected by the pandemic that has been established by the COVID-19 Handling Task Force.

There are thousands of Polri personnel deployed in the community according to the zoning conditions for COVID-19 transmission. "The deployment of police personnel is 11,226 in the red zone, 31,591 in the orange zone and 9,815 in the yellow zone, 3,583 in the green zone," he said.

There are seven points that are the distribution locations according to the risk mapping. These locations are terminals, stations, airports, ports, malls, shopping centers, restaurants, tourist objects, places of worship and other public places.

In addition, he also explained that the National Police carried out 23,830,650 cyber patrols and 23,995,330 coordination with the Ministry of Communication and Information from March to September.

This was done after Commission III provided support to his party to prevent provocative hoaxes and enforce the law for cybercriminals who take advantage of the COVID-19 issues such as looting, food hoarding, and PPE.

"In terms of law enforcement efforts as an ultimatum remedium, namely, upholding the hoax law utilizing the COVID-104 issue, 36 cases of food hoarding law enforcement, and 18 medical medical equipment hoarding cases," he said.