Don't Be Fooled, Here Are 5 Tips For Buying Perfectly Ripe Avocados

JAKARTA - Avocado is generally sold in fruit markets, traditional markets, and supermarkets. You can also freely choose which avocado you will take to buy.

But it turns out that choosing an avocado is quite difficult, this is because avocado is a type of fruit that does not ripen on the tree, but you have to wait for maturity. This one fruit sometimes looks good on the outside but rotten on the inside.

When buying avocados, you must be observant and careful in checking the level of ripeness. Here are some tips besides the level of ripeness that you should do when buying avocados.

Press the stem slowly

Gently press the top that is close to the avocado stem with gentle pressure. If after pressing the avocado retains its shape then it is ready to eat. However, if the finger leaves dents or marks, it is most likely overcooked.

Flick the stem

Another avocado buying tip is to flick the small stem that remains on top of the avocado. If you flick the avocado stem and you can see the green underneath, the avocado is ripe. However, if the stem doesn't come off easily or the underside looks brown, then the stem may be undercooked or overripe.

Don't get hung up on color

Although color is one of the main components in determining a good avocado, you should not be easily fooled by the outer color that is visible because the color of a ripe avocado can vary depending on the type.

Watch the color change

Any discoloration of the avocado's outer skin or dark spots on the avocado indicate an overripe avocado.

Don't buy in bulk

Tips for choosing the best avocado is not to buy avocados in bulk because chances are they will all ripen together. If you end up buying avocados in bulk, store them in the refrigerator to prevent the fruit from ripening quickly.