Man In North Sumatra Polished For Making A Collage Between Vice President Ma'ruf Amin And Grandpa Sugiono's Porn Star

JAKARTA - A man in Tanjungbalai, North Sumatra, was reported to the police for uploading a photo collage of Vice President Ma'ruf Amin with 'Grandpa Sugiono' who is synonymous with the Japanese porn film industry. This report was investigated by the police.

"Just entered the report in Dumas. It is still being explored, ”said Tanjungbalai Police Chief AKBP Putu Yudha Prawira confirmed by VOI, Tuesday, September 29.

The police reported the upload of a photo collage of Vice President Ma'ruf Amin with 'Grandpa Sugiono' against the man who owns a Facebook account named Oliver Leaman S. Oliver Leaman's post has now been deleted.

In his Facebook account, the man is now apologizing for uploading a photo collage accompanied by a narrative that offends the ulama.

"Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb. I on behalf of Sulaiman Marpaung apologize profusely to the extended family of the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia KH Makruf Amin as well as the Chair of the Central MUI and also the entire Ansor family especially Tanjungbalai City for my mistakes and mistakes regarding indications of insulting KH Makruf Amin for my post. for. From the deepest heart, I apologize once again and hold out ten fingers, ”read the post on the Facebook account uploading Ma'ruf Amin's photo collage with Grandpa Sugiono.