Menkumham Yasonna Encourages Regional Office Of The Ministry Of Law And Human Rights Of North Sulawesi To Synergize With Local Government

MANADO - Minister of Law and Human Rights (Menkumham) Yasonna H. Laoly asked the Regional Office (Kanwil) of the North Sulawesi Kemenkumham (Sulut) to improve coordination with local governments (Pemda).

This was conveyed by Yasonna in a speech read by Expert Staff for Political and Security Affairs at the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Y Ambeng Paramarta at the handover of the position (sertijab) of the Regional Head of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham) of North Sulawesi from Jonny Pesta Simamora to Haris Sukamto, in Manado, Thursday, March 31.

"So that in synergy we can carry out national development, especially legal development in the North Sulawesi (Sulut) region," he said, quoted from Antara.

This certificate is a follow-up to the inauguration of the Primary High Leaders conducted by the Minister of Law and Human Rights Yasonna H. Laoly some time ago.

He said the certificate was basically part of the organizational dynamics of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights in order to strengthen and improve organizational performance.

In line with this process, the transfer of official duties carried out by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights is one of the efforts in order to increase the acceleration and performance of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights in responding to increasingly high task demands.

"And always continuously require steps to achieve through hard work, smart work and sincere work," he said.

Deputy Governor of North Sulawesi Steven Kandouw said regarding the duties and functions of the Regional Head of the North Sulawesi Ministry of Law and Human Rights and ranks, do not hesitate to coordinate with the provincial and district and city governments.

The certificate which was held in the CJ Rantung room at the Governor's Office on August 17, Manado, was marked by the signing of an integrity pact by a new official.

Present at the time were Forkopimda North Sulawesi, Primary High Leaders, Heads of Work Units within the North Sulawesi Ministry of Law and Human Rights Regional Office and ASN of North Sulawesi Ministry of Law and Human Rights Regional Office.