The Recovery Rate Of COVID-19 In Batam Is 96.95 Percent

BATAM - The Batam City COVID-19 Task Force, Riau Islands recorded the recovery rate of COVID-19 patients/sufferers in the local area reached 96.95 percent, continuing to increase compared to last month, Monday, March 28, which was 89.57 percent.

"The cure rate is 96.95 percent, the death rate is 2.93 percent, and the active case rate is 0.12 percent", said the Task Force in a report distributed by Spokesman Azril Apriansyah in Batam.

In total, since the beginning of the pandemic, 30,926 people have been confirmed to have COVID-19, 29,983 of whom have completed isolation, and 905 have died. Currently, there are only 38 active cases.

On this day alone, one additional positive confirmed case of COVID-19 was recorded, then 13 people completed isolation, and two people died.

Meanwhile, of the 38 people who are still active with COVID-19, 18 of them are undergoing self-isolation and others are being treated at 10 referral hospitals across the city.

It is also noted that the spread of COVID-19 has been controlled.

Of the three buffer sub-districts, two of them are green, namely Bulang and Behindpadang. Meanwhile, Galang is still in the yellow zone with one person still active with COVID-19.

On the main island, out of nine sub-districts, two of them are green zones namely Sagulung and Batuampar, then six yellow zones namely Batuaji, Sekupang, Lubukbaja, Bengkong, Nongsa, and Seibeduk with cases active under 10.

Meanwhile, Batam City District is still in the orange zone with 13 active cases.

The Task Force report also stated that the results of the COVID-19 situation assessment as of March 26, 2022, were implementation of the Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) level 2.

Community transmission received a level 1 assessment with 3.36 confirmed cases per 100 thousand inhabitants per week, hospitalization level 1 with 0.75 per 100 thousand inhabitants per week, and level 1 deaths with 0.37 per 100 thousand inhabitants per week.

Then the response capacity is considered adequate. In terms of testing, the positivity rate is 0.77 percent per week, tracing is considered moderate with a ratio of close contacts examined at 10.83 per confirmed case per week, and adequate treatment with 7.79 percent BOR per week.

While the vaccination was considered adequate, 99.88 percent of the target population received the complete vaccine.