State Budget Surplus Story Continues, February Record Value Of IDR 19.7 Trillion

JAKARTA – The Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani reported that there was a surplus of the 2022 State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN) in the February period of IDR 19.7 trillion.

This amount was formed due to the larger state revenue sector with IDR 302.4 trillion compared to spending of IDR 282.7 trillion.

"The state budget in February 2022 recorded a surplus of IDR 19.7 trillion, much different if we compare it to February 2021, which had a deficit of IDR 63.3 trillion," she said when holding a virtual press conference on Monday, March 28.

According to the Minister of Finance, the performance of the State Budget on the revenue side at the beginning of this year has continued to improve. This continues the positive trend last January which also posted a budget surplus of IDR 28.9 trillion.

"The performance of the state budget on the revenue side is improving, but state spending has the potential to increase from the provision of subsidies and compensation to the public," she said.

In detail, tax revenue last February was IDR 199.4 trillion, or grew 36.5 percent year on year (yoy) from February 2021 which was IDR 146.1 trillion.

Then, customs and excise skyrocketed 59.2 percent to IDR 56.7 trillion from the previous IDR 35.6 trillion. Then, non-tax state revenues (PNBP) also increased by 22.5 trillion from IDR 37.7 trillion to IDR 46.2 trillion.