Information On The Discovery Of Giant Rats In Mexico City, Fact Check

JAKARTA - A Facebook account named Gandhi Kurniawan uploaded a status on 9/24/2020 in the form of a photo with the narrative “Found a giant rat in Mexico City. Unfortunately it is in a dead state ”.

Screenshot from the site

Reported by, from the search results, the status is in the wrong content category.

Because, it is known that the photo was taken when city cleaners were about to clean 22 tons of garbage from the sewage tunnel in Mexico City, Mexico.

Launching, on Friday, September 18, officers who were cleaning the sewer were shocked when they saw a living figure with very realistic fur and a figure seen in a bent sitting position. Upon investigation it appeared that the figure was a Halloween property stuck in a sewage tunnel.

Officers rushed out the object and sprayed it with water. According to the news on, a woman named Evelin López claimed to have made the mouse as property for a Halloween event.

Lopez said the object had been lost for several years as a result of heavy storms. The mouse was stored in the warehouse, but it was washed away and disappeared. After that Lopez admitted that no one had been able to find his property for years. Photos and videos of the discovery of these mice then went viral on the Internet.

A video titled "Encuentran Una Rata Gigante en La Ciudad De Mexico Tras Fuertes Lluvias / Giant Rat Appears In Mexico." which aired on September 21 on the Youtube channel 'UltramixTV' showing the officer cleaning the mouse with water according to the photo on the status. Some parts of the video are shown the hollow back of a mouse so it can be confirmed as a statue / property.