Attorney General Orders Intelligence Operations On Circulation Of Imported Products Labeled Local Products, Medical Equipment-Textiles And Imported Salt Are Found
JAKARTA - Attorney General ST Burhanuddin ordered judicial intelligence operations related to the circulation of imported products with local product labels.
The Deputy Attorney General for Special Crimes (JAMPidsus) through the Director of Investigations issued an Assignment Order to search for data and information on foreign products sold as if they were domestic products to protect domestic products.
"The team, which was formed on Friday, March 25, 2022, has carried out activities by spreading in various areas, including DKI Jakarta, Banten, West Java, Central Java, and East Java", said the Head of the Pen and Law of the Attorney General's Office, Ketut Sumedana in a written statement, Monday, March 28.
The results obtained from the collection of information (Pulbaket) and data collection (Puldata) are indicated that there are several procurements of goods and services in various government agencies (central/regional) and BUMN/BUMD as well as several shopping centers.
It was found that several commodities were found to be imported goods using domestic labels/brands, namely medical equipment, agricultural equipment, textiles, iron/steel, including salt, and other items that were still detected by the team in the field.
As a result of these findings, the AGO is said to be able to suppress domestic commodity prices, which cannot compete with imported products that are labeled as local products.
As a result, local production cannot be sold in the domestic market and the so-called AGO can hinder/disturb economic growth, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.
"To clarify the facts found in the field, the ranks of the Deputy Attorney General for Special Crimes have coordinated with the Customs and Excise ranks to reduce illegal imports, a Joint Team will be formed between Customs and the Indonesian Prosecutor's Office", said Sumedana.