Bulk Cooking Oil Translucent Rp20 Thousand, Market Traders: Government Failed To Stabilize Prices

JAKARTA - The Central Executive Board of the Indonesian Market Traders Association (DPP IKAPPI) assesses that the government's policy regarding the Highest Retail Price (HET) for bulk cooking oil of Rp. 14,000 per liter has not been effective. This is because the price of cooking oil is not evenly distributed in traditional markets, even though the price is much higher, reaching Rp. 20,000 per liter.

Deputy Secretary General of Public Policy of the DPP IKAPPI, Teguh Stiawan, said that based on reports received, several regions and some areas in traditional markets had difficulty distributing bulk cooking oil. Even worse, the price is still in the range of Rp. 20,000, far from the HET set by the government.

"IKAPPI considers that the government has failed to stabilize the price of bulk cooking oil, which has set a maximum retail price of Rp. 14,000," he said, quoted on Sunday, March 27.

According to Teguh, the long distribution is one of the factors driving the price of bulk cooking oil which continues to soar.

Therefore, said Teguh, IKAPPI reminded all parties including the Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Airlangga Hartanto, Minister of Trade Muhammad Lutfi and producers to provide convenience in distribution.

"It's like direct access to markets and the most important thing is to keep bulk cooking oil from flooding traditional markets," he said.

Furthermore, Teguh said IKAPPI hopes that before Ramadan, HET can be realized in traditional markets.

"So that people can buy bulk cooking oil at affordable prices and enjoy Ramadan without being burdened with heavy spending for the community," he said.