Mahfud MD: Bung Karno Is The Front Leader Of The Birth Of The Pancasila Ideology

JAKARTA - Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menkopolhukam) Mahfud MD emphasized that Bung Karno was one of the founders of the progressive legal concept. with an emphasis on creating substantive justice and public benefit. This can be seen from Bung Karno's speech from the Second Plenary Session of the Investigating Agency for Preparation for Independence (BPUPK) on July 10, 1945," said Mahfud while giving a speech at the Inauguration and Inauguration of the Alumni Association of the Student Movement National Indonesia (PA GMNI), in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Saturday, March 26. According to Mahfud, law is a verb and not articles that die because the law is made for humans and serves humans, not humans for the law. "For me this is important because the procedures for the formality of the rules do not fulfill the sense of justice and do not benefit the masses According to him, Bung Karno was the foremost figure in the birth of the Pancasila state ideology, starting from throwing suggestions at each other in the public in 1930 and at the BPUPK from the very beginning. in 1945, then built a compromise of ideas or modus "vivendi" through the Jakarta Charter and led the finalization of the state ideology which is officially and permanently known as Pancasila as stated in the Preamble to the 1945 Constitution. Talking about Pancasila, Marhaenism, and Bung Karno, said Mahfud , PA GMNI is not only proud of being the bearer of Bung Karno's ideals in establishing and developing Indonesia, but must strive to make it happen with all the risks that Bung Karno did and experienced. The idea is to dynamically organize the nation and state," said the former Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court in a press release. Bung Karno, he continued, was good at creating revolutionary idioms and adage, such as the terms Jas Merah and Trisakti as symbols of revolution.

"With the Red Jacket, Bung Karno made us aware that based on the history of humans and nations in the world, every struggle must produce results and results as he strives in the spirit of struggle. On the other hand, betrayal, in time, will overthrow the traitor himself. Every good thing will reap its good," said Mahfud while explaining the term Trisaksi from Bung Karno as the talisman of the Indonesian revolution.

Mahfud hopes that the GMNI Alumni Association, which has great energy to foster nationalism for the welfare of the people, can develop a democracy that is dedicated to the interests of the people. realizing the Pancasila society by adhering to the teachings of Bung Karno's marhaenism," said Mahfud.