Good News For Joggers In Pontianak: Sidewalks Will Be Expanded, Kapuas River Banks Will Also Be Improved

JAKARTA - The Pontianak City Government in West Kalimantan Province plans to increase the number of sidewalks to create a pedestrian-friendly city.

After releasing the Ibis Charity Run 2022 participants in Pontianak, Saturday, March 26, Pontianak Mayor Edi Rusdi Kamtono said that the city government plans to build sidewalks in a sustainable manner.

"This sidewalk is a means for joggers and pedestrians to be safer and more comfortable when carrying out activities on the highway," he said, quoted from Antara.

According to him, the city government plans to build sidewalks along Jalan Ahmad Yani to Jalan S Parman and widen the sidewalks along Jalan MT Haryono and Jalan Sutoyo.

In addition to multiplying and widening the sidewalks, the Pontianak City Government has planted trees on either side of the road so that pedestrians and joggers can comfortably pass through the sidewalks.

"We hope the city will get better, when the day is more shady with trees, and the night is bright with lights," said the mayor.

He added that the city government is also fixing the condition of the banks of the Kapuas River so that it can be used by residents who want to jog.

"Thus, people will have more choices for places to exercise, especially jogging," said Edi, then advised residents to exercise regularly at least on weekends.