Buying Cigarettes Using Counterfeit Money, A Youth In Serang City Arrested By Residents

SERANG - Police have arrested a perpetrator with the initials MG. He was arrested on suspicion of spreading counterfeit notes (upal) in the Rp100,000 and Rp50,000 denominations.

The Serang City Police Chief, AKBP Maruli Achilles Hutapea said that the residents had arrested the perpetrator while shopping for cigarettes at a stall in the Drangong area, Tatakan, Serang City, March 25, at 00.10 WIB.

"Yes, that's right, we have arrested a fake money dealer with the initials MG," said Maruli when contacted by VOI, Friday, March 25.

In front of the officers, MG admitted to buying counterfeit notes of Rp. 900 thousand at a price of Rp. 200 thousand. Maruli said, MG bought counterfeit money by COD (Cash On Delivery) at online stores.

"He got the money from an online shop, bought COD at a price of Rp. 200,000, so he got Rp. 900,000 counterfeit money," explained Maruli.

After receiving counterfeit money, MG uses it for daily needs such as buying cigarettes. But the action was revealed when the victim saw the color of the money was slightly different.

"He (the perpetrator) bought cigarettes, the victim was suspicious. After checking it was really fake. The problem is that the color of the money is not bright enough. And at that time the perpetrators were immediately secured by residents," he explained.

MG also admitted that this was the first time he had spent the counterfeit money.

"This means that he has an intention, he buys Rp 900 thousand counterfeit money at a price of Rp 200 thousand and then uses it for daily needs. The goal is definitely profit because he bought 200 thousand to get 900 thousand," explained Maruli.

Meanwhile, regarding the existence of other parties who printed counterfeit money to be traded, Maruli admitted that he was still investigating.

"(The identity of the Upal seller) is still being investigated," he said.

For his actions, the perpetrator was charged with Article 34 paragraph (2) of Law Number 11 of 2011 concerning Currency with a maximum imprisonment of 1 (one) year and a maximum fine of Rp. 200 million.