The Struggle Of Indonesian Representatives At The 2022 Swiss Open Today: Jojo, Ginting And Fajar/Rian Meet Slight Opponents

JAKARTA - The Swiss Open 2022 has entered its third day, Thursday, March 24. The players will compete for tickets to the quarter-finals.

On this day, there are seven representatives of Indonesia who are fighting. Most of them met with relatively light opponents.

Call it the couple Adnan Maulana / Mychelle Crhystine Bandaso. They will meet with representatives of France, William Villeger / Anne Tran.

Meanwhile, the men's doubles Leo Rolly Carcano/Daniel Marthin will face Ben Lame/Sean Vendy from England. Meanwhile, the fourth seed, Fajar Alfian/Muhammad Rian Ardianto, met Ishaan Bhatnagar/Sai Pratheek from India.

Indonesian men's singles, who is seeded third, Anthony Sinisuka Ginting, is scheduled to meet French badminton player Arnaud Merkle. For Jonathan Christie, who is the fourth seed, he will face Ng Tze Yong from Malaysia.

A tough opponent will be faced by a young Indonesian couple, Pramudya Kusumawardana/Yeremia Erich Yoche Yacob. They have to compete with the third seed from India, Satwiksairaj Rankireddy/Chirag Shetty

Mixed doubles Rehan Naufal Kusharjanto/Lisa Ayu Kusumawati also met a difficult opponent. The pair will play against representatives of Denmark, Mikkel Mikkelsen/Rikke Soby.