Wary Of Rising Food Prices Ahead Of Fasting, National Police Chief: Could Be A Threat If Not Overcome

JAKARTA - National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo has warned all regional work units (Satkerwil) of the National Police to be aware of rising food prices ahead of the fasting month of Ramadan.

He said that uncontrolled price increases would be dangerous if not addressed immediately. Can disrupt security and order in the community (kamtibmas).

"We are about to enter the month of Ramadan where the prices of commodities and basic commodities will rise. This is a threat if it cannot be overcome," said Sigit, Tuesday, March 22 in a written statement.

This directive was conveyed by Sigit when opening a technical working meeting (rakernis) of a combination of several work units at the Rupatama Building of the Police Headquarters, Jakarta.

Sigit conveyed that a strong National Police in maintaining the stability of Kamtibmas is one of the main keys so that all national policies and public expectations of the Police can be realized.

"This is a part that must be understood by all ranks of the National Police, and synergize with each other to maintain the existing health forces so that the colors and perceptions become one," he said.

The former Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police also reminded his staff to never leave and keep abreast of developments in the strategic environment and the impact of the global situation that creates uncertainty.

He gave an example of the COVID-19 pandemic having an impact on all countries in the world from an economic and health perspective. Then the Russian invasion of Ukraine also had an impact on Indonesia.

This phenomenon, said Sigit, must be managed as well as possible. Because, if not, it will cause disturbances in public order.

On the same occasion, the former Head of the Propam Police Division explained how the current technological developments are. Where all the information that is inside and outside the country will have an impact on the state security situation.

According to him, this development must be followed up in order to know the steps to be taken if something happens.

Not only that, he also asked his staff to know about macro and micro work in the field. Macro work is a big thing carried out by the state and micro things are the main tasks of the Police.

Indonesia, continued Sigit, is currently trying to keep its economic growth above five percent. The government has made concessions to the state deficit by controlling economic growth above five percent.

He also said that refocusing made the state budget less than optimal. The burden on the state budget has become heavy, so the government has taken steps to increase the investment sector to 85 percent.

"Currently it is being monitored and how Indonesia is hosting the G20 and of course this is part of the efforts of the National Police which 85 percent can be carried out maximally," said Sigit.

Furthermore, Sigit also said that currently Indonesia is building the foundation to become a developed country. One of them is by changing policies from consumer countries to producer countries. Changing the policy that previously released the export of raw materials, is now stopped in order to open downstream domestically.

This is done so that Indonesia is able to manage its natural resources and can jump and not depend on other countries.

"The transformation that is on the one hand is a leap if we can do it, but on the other hand it has the potential to cause disturbances in the security and social order. We can build this foundation with synergy." Sigit explained.

Regarding digital transformation, he also reminded that it would be a challenge in itself for the Police. On the one hand, it makes things easier, especially in terms of predicting the desire to make predictive policing by managing existing data and getting recommendations in making decisions. But on the other hand there are challenges.

At the end of his directive, Sigit hoped that his staff would not use the Precision Police as a work program. However, it can also be a leap of change to return to the essence of police history that is felt directly by the community.

Sigit hopes that the precise police, besides carrying out government duties and policies, will also be a leap of change to return to the essence of police history, which of course is really felt by the community.

"The National Police who are able to be at the forefront of guarding the country, the Police who are reliable, professional, close and loved by the people," concluded Sigit.