Retired TNI Becomes Suspect For Corruption In Housing Procurement

JAKARTA - The Attorney General's Connectivity Investigation Team has again named one TNI member as a suspect in the alleged corruption case of the Army Housing Compulsory Savings (TWP AD) 2013-2020.

"The suspect is Colonel Czi (Ret.) CW AHT," said Head of the Attorney General's Office for Legal Information (Kapuspenkum) Ketut Sumedana at a press conference at the Indonesian Attorney General's Office, Jakarta, as reported by Antara, Tuesday, March 22.

Colonel CW became the second suspect from the military element. Previously, investigators had detained Brigadier General YAK as TWP-AD's Finance Director since July 2021.

The role of Colonel CW in this case was to appoint the suspect KGS MMS as the provider of residential land for soldiers in the Nagreg area, West Java, and Gandung, Palembang.

CW also played a role in signing cooperation agreements for land acquisition in Gandus and Nagreg and has been suspected of receiving cash flows from the suspect KGS MMS. Meanwhile, KGS MMS is a suspect from the civilian element who has been detained since March 16, 2022.

The determination of the suspect against Colonel CW was carried out on March 15, 2022, but the Attorney General's Office only announced it today.

According to Ketut, in this case there has been a deviation from the cooperation agreement for land acquisition in Nagreg, namely the payment was made not according to the mechanism, namely according to the progress of land acquisition, payment of 100 percent only if it has become a master certificate.

In addition, procurement without a technical review, the acquisition is only 17.8 hectares but has not been in the form of a master certificate. Excess payment of legality funds at the BPN so that another expenditure of Rp. 2 billion is not valid according to the PKS.

"The use of Rp700 million without the permission of the Army Chief of Staff (KSAD)," said Ketut.

Meanwhile, deviations from the cooperation agreement (PKS) for land acquisition in Gandus, namely payments made not according to the mechanism, procurement without technical studies, obtaining only a statement letter for the release of land rights (SPPHT) with a description of an area of 40 hectares without physical evidence of land. The land obtained was nil from the payment of Rp41.8 billion.

"The suspect KGS MMS did not buy back the SPPHT that failed to use the Cultivation Right (HGG) or master certificate," said Ketut.

In this case, the estimation of state financial losses is based on preliminary calculations by the Connectivity Investigation Team of Rp. 59 billion.

Ketut added, in this case the connectivity investigator team, consisting of 40 investigating prosecutors from the Junior Attorney General for Military Affairs (Jampidmil), the Army Military Police Center, and the Jakarta High Military Oditurat II, have examined 11 witnesses. Meanwhile, regarding the suspect Colonel Czi (Ret.) CW AHT, no arrests were made. The Director for Enforcement of the Deputy Attorney General for Military Crime (Jampidmil) Brigadier General Edy Imran explained, because the superior who has the right to punish (ankum) CW is currently abroad.

"Incidentally, Ankum, the superior who has the right to punish, of this suspect is abroad, so we cannot delegate the arrest warrant," explained Edy.

Even though he was not detained, according to Edy, the suspect CW was cooperative. However, the party is still targeting to temporarily detain CW on Tuesday (29/3).

Previously, Jampidmil as the coordinator of connectivity investigators had named Brigadier General YAK as TWP-AD Finance Director, PT Griya Sari Harta President Director with the initials NPP, and a soldier housing land provider with the initials KGS MMS as suspects.

Brigadier General YAK and NPP are suspects in alleged corruption in the placement of TWP-AD funds. Meanwhile, KGS MMS and CW are suspected of corruption in the procurement of land for housing soldiers.