Day 9 Of Operation Yustisi, Most Violators In East Jakarta

JAKARTA - Operation Yustisi has been going on for nine days. Based on prosecution data, East Jakarta is the area with the highest number of offenders.
"The highest level in the regions as of today is East Jakarta with 6,000 (violations) more," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Yusri Yunus to reporters, Thursday, September 24.
Then, for other areas with the highest number of offenders, Bekasi and Central Jakarta. In both areas, people still found people who did not apply health protocols using masks.
"Then Bekasi with more than 4,700 and Central Jakarta is also high with nearly 4,000 (violators)," he said.
Meanwhile, to begin with, the joint team has taken action against 73,532 people. With the details of written reprimands as many as 33,688 people and then a verbal warning of 4,031 people.
Then, as many as 33,321 were punished and given social sanctions. Meanwhile, administrative fines were recorded as being given to 2,492 people.
"With a fine of Rp. 402,335,000 that has been received by the regional government," said Yusri.
Previously, the Presidential Spokesperson for Legal Affairs Dini Purwono asked the public not to consider the justisi health protocol operation as a repressive act. He said, this operation was held to increase public awareness in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.
"The government asks the public not to consider justisi health protocol operations as part of repressive measures. Moreover, in its implementation, the government also collaborates with community organizations, religious leaders and community leaders to help enforce health protocols in society and communities," said Dini
According to him, enforcement of this discipline is important because the key to controlling COVID-19 starts from implementing protocols such as wearing masks, maintaining distance, and washing hands diligently.
"The public must realize that they are the spearhead in efforts to control this," he said